Auburn Municipal Civil Service
October 3, 2002
Comm. Welch called the meeting to order at 11:00 am
Secretary Arthur Lee took the roll call. Present: Comm. Welch, Comm. Camardo and Comm. Brennan.
Motion made to approve the minutes of 8/29/02 meeting. Comm. Brennan made the motion to accept. Comm. Welch seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.
Old Business
Art Lee read the resolution to adopt the classification plan for the City of Auburn and the Auburn School District to include all positions in the classified service. This plan is based on the classification survey conducted by the New York Dept. of Civil Service. Motion to table the resolution made by Comm. Camardo. Motion seconded by Comm. Welch. Motion to table carried 3-0.
Notice for public hearing to run in the legal notices of the Citizen for three days per regulation of the State Civil Service Commission.
Discussion held as to accept all titles as listed nn the current allocation lists.
All titles will be approved as listed on the allocation lists.
Motion to adjourn made by Comm. Camardo and seconded by Comm. Welch. Meeting adjourned at 11:20 am.
Secretary to the Commission